Does Remote Energy Healing Work? More People Are Trying It

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, everyone’s been stuck at home more and turning to the internet for all sorts of things. This has made virtual well-being services really popular. Not just online therapy and counseling but also stuff like remote energy healing have found a spot in our digital world.

Remote energy healing, or distance healing as some call it, is this cool way of helping people feel better without even being in the same room. It works on this idea that we’ve got an energy field around us – you might hear it called life force energy, vibrational energy, or subtle energy. People who practice believe this plays a big part in keeping us healthy.

In these sessions, healers do their thing from afar to help balance out your body’s energies. They work on getting rid of any blocks and making sure your good vibes can flow freely again which helps with physical pain along with mental and emotional stress too.

Even though it sounds pretty out there for some folks; remote healing is catching on because lots of people are looking for different ways to look after themselves nowadays.

In what follows here I’ll dive into how remote health fixing does its magic including various methods used during sessions scientific takes on if it actually works plus stories from those who swear by its benefits

Exploring the Basics of Remote Energy Healing

Remote energy healing is all about the idea that we’re surrounded by an energy field, and if you tweak it just right, it can help fix health problems. Think of it as a different kind of medicine that taps into something invisible called life force or subtle energy. The goal here is to get everything in balance again and clear out any issues messing with your body or mind’s well-being. This can be done from afar through various methods like Reiki, working on chakras (energy centers), or cleaning up your aura.

With remote energy healing being a form of complementary medicine, practitioners focus on this unseen life force to try making people feel better without even being in the same room.

Defining Remote Energy Healing and Its Core Principles

Remote energy healing, also known as distance or distant healing, is a way to help people feel better without needing to be in the same place. It’s all about working with an invisible force around us called life force energy, sometimes also named subtle or vibrational energy. This kind of healing believes that our bodies are surrounded by this special energy.

When someone practices remote healing, they focus on this surrounding energy field aiming to improve health and happiness. They think if the body’s energies are moving well and balanced, it helps keep our mind, body, and emotions in good shape. Remote healers try to fix any imbalances by getting rid of blockages which can stop our natural ability to heal ourselves.

At its heart, remote energy healing uses different ways like imagining certain things happening (visualization), having strong intentions for health improvement (intention), and paying close attention (focused attention) on making sure the body’s energies flow smoothly again. Healers might even use specific types like Reiki or methods focused on chakras or aura cleaning during their sessions from afar.

Historical Origins and Evolution into the Digital Age

For a long time, people have been practicing remote energy healing, which has roots in history and has changed especially with the internet coming into play. The idea of distance healing isn’t new; it’s been part of many old-school health practices for ages. Take traditional Chinese medicine as an example – folks there have always talked about this thing called qi or life force and believed you could heal someone without even being next to them.

Back in the early 20th century, there was this Japanese technique called Reiki that popped up. It was all about passing on healing vibes through your hands without touching anyone. This really set the stage for what we now call remote energy Healing because it showed us that yes, you can totally help someone feel better from afar.

Thanks to online platforms popping up everywhere, getting involved in remote energy healing is easier than ever before. Healers can just hop on a video call and do their thing while people chill at home. This switch to digital has made things super convenient for everyone involved – whether you’re giving or receiving some of that good energy healing.

Different Modalities of Remote Energy Healing

Remote energy healing involves different methods that help in healing and bringing balance back. Among these, Reiki, chakra healing, and aura cleansing stand out as popular choices. They focus on the body’s energy field to encourage overall health. Although not every method of energy healing can be performed from afar, Reiki, chakra healing, and aura cleansing fit perfectly for distance healing sessions.

Overview of Reiki and Its Application Remotely

Reiki, a popular type of energy healing that came from Japan in the early 20th century, works by moving life force energy through a trained person’s hands to help others feel better and healthier. In sessions where the practitioner and client aren’t together physically, this life force is sent across distances.

With remote Reiki sessions, practitioners often use relaxation methods, picture exercises, and breathing techniques to help improve how well this energy moves. The person getting the session can just relax somewhere comfy while all of this happens without them being in the same place as their practitioner. It’s thought that this energy knows exactly where to go to mend things on not just a physical level but an emotional and mental one too.

Understanding Chakra Healing from a Distance

Chakra healing is all about focusing on the energy centers in our body, which are called chakras. There are seven main chakras, and each one has its own role related to different parts of life, organs, and feelings. The goal here is to make sure these energy centers are balanced so that we can feel good overall.

When it comes to fixing these chakras from far away, a healer works with your energy field without needing you to be there physically. They check out what’s going on with your chakras and find any spots where things aren’t as they should be. By using their mind’s eye, setting intentions right, and doing some special kind of energy work, they help get everything back in balance even though you’re not in the same place. You might also do certain exercises or meditations that the healer suggests to help things along.

Techniques and Benefits of Aura Cleansing Online

Aura cleansing is all about working on the energy field that wraps around our bodies, which people call the aura. This aura shows off how we’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally through different colors that represent various energies or feelings.

With remote aura cleaning sessions, the person helping you uses a bunch of cool methods like meditation, breathing stuff to calm down, sounds that heal and even crystals to get your aura nice and balanced again. They might walk you through some mind pictures or give tips on how to take care of yourself better. Cleaning up your aura this way gets rid of bad vibes or stuck energy making you feel more at peace and keeping your overall energy in check.

Scientific Perspective on Remote Energy Healing

Remote energy healing is getting more attention these days, but it’s good to think about what science has to say about how well it works. Scientists are still looking into this kind of healing from a distance, and there isn’t a lot of proof yet. But, some research out there shows it might help lessen pain, ease anxiety, and make people feel better overall. With that said, we need more studies to really get how remote energy healing can work best for us.

Research Findings and Clinical Trials

Scientific research on remote energy healing is still in its early stages, but there have been some interesting findings. A 2014 review of randomized trials suggested that Reiki therapy may help reduce pain and anxiety, although more research is needed. Another study in 2011 found that participants who had Reiki sessions reported greater mood benefits compared to those who did not receive the treatment.

In a pilot study conducted in 2015, cancer patients who received distant Reiki sessions alongside regular medical care reported lower levels of pain, anxiety, and fatigue. While these studies show promise, more rigorous research, including larger clinical trials, is needed to provide stronger scientific evidence for the effectiveness of remote energy healing.

Column Name AColumn Name B
Research Findings– Reiki therapy may reduce pain and anxiety.
  • Reiki sessions can lead to greater mood benefits.
  • Distant Reiki may help alleviate pain, anxiety, and fatigue in cancer patients. |
  • | Clinical Trials | Further research, including larger clinical trials, is needed to provide stronger scientific evidence for the effectiveness of remote energy healing. |

Skepticism and Support within the Medical Community

In the world of doctors and health experts, people have different views about remote energy healing. Some think it’s a good addition to regular medical care. They feel it helps improve how well you feel overall and can be part of helping patients get better.

On the other hand, some are doubtful about whether this kind of healing really works for specific body or mind issues. They stress that it’s important to stick with trained medical folks for checking out health problems and getting treated properly. These skeptics also warn against only using alternative ways to try to get better.

For anyone thinking about trying remote energy healing, talking over with your healthcare team is key. It’s crucial to see how it might fit into what else you’re doing for your health. Remote energy healings should add on but not take the place of doctor-based care.

Personal Testimonials and Case Studies

Through personal stories and detailed case studies, we get a peek into the journeys of folks who’ve given remote energy healing a shot. A lot of them share tales of big changes and good results after their sessions. While everyone’s experience is unique, many talk about feeling less pain, being in a better mood, and just overall feeling healthier. These personal accounts are really helpful because they offer insights into how remote energy healing might help others looking for similar benefits.

Transformative Experiences with Remote Healing

People who’ve tried remote energy healing often talk about how much it’s changed them. Everyone has their own story, but many say they feel less pain, worry less, and are not as tired anymore. This makes their lives better. For some folks, using remote healing helps them deal with emotions and grow personally.

Even though what happens after a session can be different for everyone, there’s been a lot of success reported by those who’ve given it a go. Being able to get this kind of help without having to be close to the healer is really helpful for lots of people. It means they can still work on getting better and growing even if they can’t meet in person. Remote energy healing has opened up new ways for people to experience the good things that come from this type of healing.

Curious about remote energy healing? Discover how this powerful practice can balance your energy and promote healing from a distance. Does it really work? Let’s explore! 🌟 #remoteenergyhealing #EnergyHealing #healingfromdistance #spiritualhealing #AlternativeMedicine #holistichealth #energybalance #wellnessjourney #mindbodyspirit #healingpower

♬ Listen to Your Heart – Jhonatan Rodrigues

Long-Term Effects on Mental and Physical Health

Remote energy healing can really make a difference in both your mind and body over time. By making sure the energy in your body is balanced and flowing right, it helps ease problems like anxiety and depression that mess with your mental health. It’s also good for giving your immune system a boost, which makes you feel better overall.

On top of that, people who go for remote healing sessions often end up feeling happier compared to those who don’t get any treatment at all. This happiness adds up to feeling great about life in general. Even though how well remote energy healing works can change from one person to another, lots of folks have said they keep feeling better mentally and physically after sticking with these sessions regularly.

How to Prepare for a Remote Energy Healing Session

Before you dive into a remote energy healing session, it’s key to get clear on your goals and make sure the space around you is just right. With setting intentions, think about what you want out of this experience. As for creating a conducive environment, look for a spot that’s quiet and comfy where you can really let go and concentrate on getting better. You might even want to light some candles, put on calming music or use essential oils to make the whole thing feel more special. Getting yourself and your place ready like this helps ensure you get the most out of your remote energy healing session.

Setting Intentions and Creating a Conducive Environment

Before you start a remote energy healing session, it’s really helpful to get clear on what you want out of it and make sure where you are is nice and comfy. Think about the parts of your life or health issues that need some work, and set those as your goals for the session. This way, both you and the healer can focus better on getting those results.

For making a good space to do this in, find a spot at home where it’s quiet and feels just right for relaxing deeply. It should be tidy, welcoming—maybe even dim down the lights or light up some candles to make things extra cozy. Adding soft music in the background could also help chill things out more. When everything around supports relaxation like this, it makes energy healing from afar much more effective because you’re able to relax deeper into the process.

What to Expect During and After the Session

When you’re part of a remote energy healing session, imagine just lying down somewhere comfy and chilling out. The person leading the session will help you through it, talking to you or showing things on video. They might do different stuff like imagining certain images, moving their hands around without touching you, or pretending to touch from afar to interact with your energy field and help heal whatever needs fixing. During this time, it’s pretty normal to feel warm, get tingles, or simply feel more relaxed.

With the session over, taking some me-time is key for letting all that good healing vibe really sink in. Some folks might notice they’re feeling better right away – kind of lighter – while others might see changes slowly happening in how they feel after a few days pass by. Feeling chilled out more than usual or finding yourself more grounded and balanced isn’t strange at all; actually quite expected! And yeah if suddenly emotions pop up or old memories visit – that’s part of the journey too! It’s cool though; just go easy on yourself as everything takes its course naturally.

Writing down thoughts can be super helpful too if any interesting realizations hit during this whole process.

Choosing the Right Practitioner

When thinking about remote energy healing, picking the right person to help you is key. They should match what you’re looking for and feel right to you. Make sure they know their stuff, like Reiki or therapeutic touch, by checking if they’ve got the right papers and training. It’s also a good idea to look at what others have said about them or get suggestions from people you trust. In the end, go with your gut feeling and pick someone who makes you feel at ease and supported while they work on helping you heal.

Credentials and Experience to Look For

When you’re on the lookout for someone to do remote energy healing, it’s key to check out their background and how much experience they’ve got. You’ll want to find folks who have gone through proper training and gotten certified in things like Reiki or therapeutic touch. By looking into their qualifications, you make sure they really know what they’re doing in this area. It helps a lot if the healer has worked with people who had similar issues or aims as yours before; it shows they know how to handle your specific needs effectively when it comes to remote energy healing. On top of that, reading up on reviews or feedback from others who’ve used their services can give you a good idea about how reputable the practitioner is and what kind of outcomes they’ve managed to achieve for others.

Tips for Finding a Compatible Energy Healer

When looking for someone to help with remote energy healing, it’s all about what you need and like. Start off by digging into various kinds of energy healing methods, such as Reiki, therapeutic touch, or balancing your chakras. This helps in figuring out which style clicks with you the most. Think about what you want to achieve from the session and search for a healer who is good at dealing with those specific issues. With some healers mixing different techniques or therapies in their work, decide if you’re up for trying a blend of methods or if sticking to one sounds better to you. It’s also smart to chat with potential healers beforehand; this way, you can get an idea of how they do things and whether they seem right for supporting your journey towards feeling better. In the end, go for an energy healer who makes sure that comfort comes first – someone who gets where we are coming from feels supportive and understands us well.

Common Misconceptions and Limitations

Talking about remote energy healing, there are a few misunderstandings and limits we need to clear up. It’s key to keep your expectations in check and really get what remote energy healing is capable of doing, as well as what it can’t do.

Addressing Expectations vs. Reality

A lot of people think that remote energy healing is a quick way to fix health problems. But it’s not meant to take the place of seeing a doctor or getting medical help. If you’re dealing with any physical or mental issues, it’s always best to talk to someone who knows their stuff in medicine.

With remote energy healing, another thing folks get wrong is believing it won’t work as well if you’re not right there with the healer. Even though being in the same room can change how things feel, this kind of healing still does its job from afar. Since we’re talking about working with your energy field, being in the same physical space isn’t necessary.

When trying out remote energy healing, keeping an open mind and having real-life expectations matter a lot. It might not give you immediate results or solve everything at once but can be good for your overall health by helping you relax and boosting your body’s own ability to heal itself.

What Remote Energy Healing Is Not Capable Of

Remote energy healing isn’t a quick fix for specific health problems, whether they’re physical or mental. It’s more like a helping hand that can make you feel better overall and help you relax. But remember, it shouldn’t take the place of seeing a doctor or getting medical treatment.

With remote energy healing, don’t expect miracles right away or be sure it’ll work every time. Everyone heals in their own way and at their own pace. So, going into it with patience and keeping an open mind is key because sometimes you might need more than one session to really notice any changes.

Also, this kind of healing doesn’t mean someone can mess with your energy without you saying it’s okay first. It’s something both the person doing the healing and the person receiving have to agree on and work together on. The healer tries to balance out your energy field, but in the end, how much better you get really depends on you.


Wrapping things up, remote energy healing is quite the interesting topic that’s been getting a lot of attention lately. People are drawn to it because they believe it can really help both their minds and bodies feel better. There are different kinds out there like Reiki, chakra healing, and even something called aura cleansing. Each one has its own special way of helping people who say they’ve seen some pretty big changes in their health over time. Even though scientists are still trying to figure out how well it actually works, there’s no shortage of stories from folks who swear by these remote healing sessions. It’s super important to make sure you’re working with someone who knows what they’re doing and has the right qualifications if you decide to give this a try. If all this talk about energy healing has got you curious, why not check out Jenny Dixon? She offers sessions where you can see for yourself what it’s all about.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Distance Affect Energy Healing?

Energy healing works no matter how far apart people are because energy isn’t limited by physical space. With remote energy healing, practitioners can still tap into a person’s energy field and help them heal from afar. This means that even if you’re not in the same room or even the same country, these sessions can be just as good as meeting face to face.

Can Anyone Learn to Perform Remote Energy Healing?

Absolutely, learning to do remote energy healing is something anyone can pick up. It’s all about getting the hang of how energy healing works, mastering some techniques, and being able to handle vibrational energy along with the energy field around us. To get good at it, you’ll need both training and a lot of practice to sharpen your skills and become more sensitive to what’s required for effective remote energy healing. For those keen on diving deeper into this area, there are plenty of training programs out there that focus on various aspects of energy healing, offering certifications specifically in remote energy healing.

Sign up for Jenny Dixon for Remote Energy Healing

If you’re keen on trying out energy healing from afar, me, Jenny Dixon is someone you might want to get in touch with. I am a remote healer who knows her stuff when it comes to different types of energy healing. With plenty of experience and training under her belt, I offer sessions that can be done remotely, aiming to help improve your well-being. To begin your journey towards healing, simply reach out to me and set up a time for your remote energy healing session.